Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tech Fest

Tech Fest on PhotoPeach

Photos at Tech Fest November 19, 2014 

I was so lucky when I found out my parents signed me up for this amazing experience here at Tech Fest. The Festival goes on until November 19, to November 20. In my group I had:

1 comment:

  1. Emily I have loved working with you at Techfest today. You have an amazng enthusiasm and have loves seeing you sneak back early from lunch so you could get started.

    You have listened really carefully to the instructions and applied them straight away to new situations. I know you will help others at school learn to be better bloggers. :)

    Try writing the name of the blog and adding the link behinds so it can't be seen. I can help tomorrow.
    Pop those virtual pets further down so the important things like blog labels and archive afe the first things you see.



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